Sunday, April 26, 2015


        Shortly after my son turned two, my wife and I received an informational flyer from the Janesville School District via mail. The flyer listed some upcoming screening dates for pre school aged children whom the parents felt may be experiencing developmental difficulties, i.e.-'at risk' students.

        After some discussion with my spouse, I decided to take Eric over to the school for testing. When I arrived that day, I explained that I was not there for an at risk screening. Rather, I was there to gather more information on where Eric fell when it came to intelligence, as he had been doing and saying things from around his first birthday on that seemed very advanced to me. I emphasized that I was not there to 'brag' or anything of the sort. I simply wanted to find out if my son was advanced for his age because if so, I could use that information to instruct him at an optimum level.

        Eric tested out at somewhere around a four and a half year old intelligence wise. I remember driving home after that testing and talking with him while thinking:

 'OK, so I'm not crazy after all. Who knows, this kid may be going places in life one day.'

        One day.

        Eric is now just a couple months short of his 18th birthday. About 20 minutes ago, he accepted a scholarship to attend Purdue University come this August. He has amazed me throughout his entire life, but it was that specific moment in time back in 1999 that is stuck in my mind today. It was the first time I thought to myself that he may be headed for great things in life.

        This is an emotional moment for me. I am proud of him beyond measure and yet, I don't want him to go. I miss the child he used to be, yet I embrace the man he's become.

More importantly though, that 'one day'..........has arrived.



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